by Santosh Kumar
on 09-04-2021

Do you know your newsletter Goals?

The first thing you need to do when producing a newsletter is to figure out what you want from it.

Do you want your community newsletter to:
• Tell your members what you're doing.
• Tell your friends and community members what's going on out there in the community.
• Advocate for your cause.
• Recruit and maintain members, volunteers, and donors
• Be used as a fundraising tool
• Share the success of the community member
• Help your members build better bands
• Share better contents or
• Share important updates or anything else

Certainly, your newsletter can touch on "a bit of everything", but for it to be an attractive and informative read, your group should write everything with its underlying goals for the newsletter in mind which could include one or more of the purposes given below.

1. Share Your Successes

Most people in your local community get involved with your business because they care about your success as an organization. They want to see you benefiting the community and fulfilling your mission. newsletters are a great way for your business to showcase the impact it’s having in the community. It’s also a method of keeping your customers feeling like they’re an ongoing part of your success. This can be a great way to develop a deeper, more meaningful relationship with customers as opposed to simply reaching out when you need something. It can help to increase the level of investment people have in the success of your organization.

2. Build credibility

Tailor your content according to what your readers want. Knowing your readers’ interests and needs gets your newsreader contents to read.

3. Establish authority

When you run your own business, one of your goals may be to be seen as an expert in your industry. Your customers appreciate the content you send and keeping them engaged is one of the biggest wins for any newsletter marketer. Your content is one of your most valuable marketing tools and you can use it to build other areas of your marketing strategy.

4. Better brand recognition

Do people recognize your brand? With a community newsletter, you can easily brand your content. But brand recognition goes beyond design. By consistently providing valuable content to your audience, they will begin to recognize, and even anticipate your offers. You can even use your emails to get useful feedback on your brand. Are customers happy with the content you’re providing? Would they like to learn something different? Use a survey or start a discussion on social media. Once you get them involved in the process, you’ll know exactly how to provide valuable content in your emails.

5. Promote Upcoming Events

For those that indicated they’re interested in hearing from your business about events, newsletters can be a great way to spread the word about what’s coming up. Many supporters likely won’t regularly visit your website to see what’s on the calendar. But if you send it directly to their inbox, there’s a better chance they’ll know of an upcoming event and hopefully be able to get involved.

6. Build relationships and loyalty

The majority of marketers are using newsletter marketing as a one-way channel. What many do not realize is that newsletter is an excellent channel to establish a dialogue with their readers. Ask for feedback and listen to your customer needs. You can, for example, link to a questionnaire in your newsletters in order to get more information about your customer needs and experiences.

7. Share Important Updates

Monthly newsletter as a way to share everything going on in the community to ensure that customers are kept in the loop

8. Stronger customer relationships

Newsletter marketing can help to build customer relationships by providing them with the information they want directly into their inbox on a consistent basis. When you help make your audience’s lives better, whether that be with your product or service, helpful tips, or even just a “happy birthday” gift coupon, they will learn to appreciate and trust you. Eventually, they will begin to look to your business for the information and value you have been providing them, thinking of you first when they need your services.

9. Increase traffic and brings more visitors to your website

The website is often the most important information and sales channel. You can easily drive traffic to your website through links in your newsletter. Newsletters are a great way to get customers to visit your website. You can include relevant links to your site within your content. You can also use it to get customers to engage with other great pieces of content available on your website or blog.

10. Build a Sense of Community

A monthly newsletter is used to invite customers to community events, share photos and stories from past events, and generally just build a sense of community. Some customers would probably jump at the chance to be featured in a newsletter, so that take to your advantage and give customers some insight.

11. Maintain Relationships

Maintaining relationships to build trust and credibility is understandably a priority for most businesses. You don’t want to be the kind of organization that only reaches out to businesses when you’re soliciting help.
With how fierce the competition for attention is nowadays, getting a consistently large percentage of eyes on your content can be very valuable to your organisation's ability to grow with a newsletter content that is valuable to your recipients as to maintain any relationship it must be mutually beneficial.

12. Build excitement

Everyone likes to belong to a special group, especially when they can receive exclusive perks. Your customers aren’t all the same, and the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Use community newsletter campaigns to drive home the message that your customers are unique and important to your business. Whether you’re giving a section of customers a sneak peek into an upcoming product launch, or simply rewarding them for being loyal customers, they all love a sweet deal. As a small business, you might not be able to go around giving free stuff to your customers, but a little something extra can go a long way. Rewarding your customers is a nice gesture, and from your side, it’s a great way to accelerate your marketing goals. Everybody wins.

13. Boost sales

Promoting your business through Newsletter gives your audience the chance to make a purchase right from their phone or laptop. Newsletter marketing can be used to sell to prospects, boost referrals, upsell to current customers, and even re-engage customers that have not purchased from you in a while. The more relevant and targeted your email content is, the more likely the reader will take an action.

14. Distribute Informative Content

Chances are you know a whole lot about the business community your business serves. You may even already be creating a bunch of useful content for your blog or for various publications. Maybe you’ve written some white papers that are available on your website. Or perhaps you’ve toyed with the idea of writing but haven’t done so yet. Regardless, the newsletter can be a great way to educate those interested in your purpose, thus equipping them with the knowledge to be a more informed supporter of your business. Even if they don't have a relationship with your organization, they’ll hopefully become a more engaged and informed customer of the type of work your business is doing.


Depending on the purpose and type of your newsletter It's a good idea to decide if your group or organisation narrows the focus of its newsletter down to one or two of these goals or you want to serve a wider purpose and fulfill the needs of the community with as many goals as possible.

About Author

Santosh Kumar
Manager , iBraine UK

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